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Academy lectures 2024-2025


The dates for the 65th edition of the Academy lecture series have been announced. The Academy lectures take place three times during the winter season simultaneously in Leeuwarden and Joure.​​

Lecture 1, morning 10.00-12.00 (45 min lecture, coffee break, 45 min questions/discussion)
Lecture 2, afternoon 13.30-15.30 (45 min lecture, tea break, 45 min questions/discussion)

Group I, Leeuwarden
Grand Café Restaurant De Koperen Tuin , Prinsentuin 1, 8911 DE Leeuwarden, tel. (058) 213 11 00

Group II, Joure
Party and Salon Center It Haske , Vegelinswei 20, 8501 BA Joure, tel. (0513) 41 52 81


Datum Groep I, Ljouwert (De Koperen Tuin) Groep II, De Jouwer (It Haske)
Friday, November 22, 2024 further information will follow soon  
Tuesday, January 21, 2025    
Friday, March 14, 2025    


You can download the programme soon as a pdf-file.



Wurkgroep Akademylêzingen



Summary of previous lectures

17 jannewaris 2020:
Jonathan Bos - Gescheiden en verbonden door bezit (Friesland tussen 1350 - 1600)

19 novimber 2019:
Mr. dr. Wiene van Hattum - Levenslange gevangenisstraf’ : wat betekent dat eigenlijk?
Jan de Vries - Verzwegen Zeeheld – Jacob Benckes (1637-1677) en zijn wereld

2017-2018: Jubileum 60 years Akademylêzingen
In 2018, the Akademylêzingen were organised for the 60th time. The jubilee edition on Tuesday 13 March 2018 took place in De Harmonie in Leeuwarden, with a lecture by sociologist Evelien Tonkens and music by Tet Rozendal.