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Annual symposium of the Maritime History Working Group

The annual symposium of the Maritime History Working Group is on Saturday 8 October, 2022. 

When: Saturday 8 October 2022
Time: 13.30 - 17.30 hours
Where: RuG/Campus Fryslân, Wirdumerdijk 34, 8911 CE Leeuwarden
Programme: Download pdf
Admission: The symposium is open to everyone; the entrance fee is €15,-.
Registration and payment: Online at Registration is possible until 2 October 2022.
Note: The language of communication at the symposium is Dutch. 


Since the late Middle Ages, the Dutch regions have been dependent on a regular supply of grain and wood from Northern and Eastern Europe. Without the supply of these products, the economic boom of the Golden Age would have been inconceivable.

The wood came mainly from Scandinavia and Russia. Most of it was processed in sawmills in the Netherlands, after which it found its way into shipbuilding and industry.

In 2018, a historical event was organised in which this timber trade was given a new lease of life. A caravan of old ships brought wood to 'De Rat', a sawmill near IJlst.

Inspired by this event, the Maritime History Working Group of the Fryske Akademy is organising a symposium on this industry from earlier centuries.

13.00 Welcome with coffee/ tea
13.30 Opening of the symposium by Rob Leemans (chairman Workgroup Maritime History) and Peter Tolsma (chairman of the day)
13.45 Concurrentie, conjunctuur en contrasten in de Friese houtvaart (17de-18de eeuw) by Hanno Brand, Fryske Akademy/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
14.15 Schepen voor de houtvaart. Scheepstypen en constructie gedurende de 17de en begin 18de eeuw by Jeroen Louwe Kooijmans, researcher Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam
14.45 Break
15.15 Timber, trade and culture. Close connections between Norway and the Netherlands 1550-1750 by Margit Løyland, senior archivist National Archive, Oslo 
15.45 Een bijproduct van hout. Productie en transport van pek en teer op Nederlandse schepen uit het Oostzeegebied (17de-18de eeuw) by Rob Leemans and Albert van Brakel, historian and researcher
16.15 Herkomst en toepassing van bouwhout in Friesland, 1550-1950  by Paul Borghaerts, researcher and  dendrochronologist.
16.45 Closure by Rob Leemans
17.00 Drinks & bites