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Call for lectures multidisciplinary workshop on Terschelling

Photo: Folkshegeskoalle Skylgeralân.

From 26-28 March 2024 there will be an multidisciplinary workshop on 'Coastal wilderness and cultural landscape? Repositioning the coastal and tidal area as a cross-disciplinary research topic', which is going to take place on the Frisian island of Terschelling.

The workshop is organised by dr. Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm together with prof. dr. Theunis Piersma (BirdEyes/NIOZ) and is made possible by the KNAW Early Career Partnership, granted this year to dr. IJssennagger-van der Pluijm.

Proposals for lectures
Those who want to submit a proposal for a lecture can do so until October 1st 2023

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