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Call for papers: Taalkundedei 2024

[Translate to English:] Foto: Adonyig/Pixabay

The Fryske Akademy is organizing the 13th Day of Frisian Linguistics on Friday, October 25. The day is intended for everyone who is directly or indirectly concerned with the linguistics of Frisian. Anyone who would like to give a lecture or presentation on that day can send a proposal to the organization.

We welcome proposals focusing on Frisian from all different angles of linguistics. Think of: grammar, phonetics / phonology, nomenclature, lexicography, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics. From student to professor: everyone is welcome as a speaker. The lecture may report on scholarly research, but presentations of research plans, speculations or of language databases are also welcome.

Submit abstracts
Each lecture allows half an hour (20 minutes for the lecture, 10 minutes for questions ). Lectures may be held in any language belonging to the West Germanic language family. Send - preferably as soon as possible, but at the latest before August 1 - an abstract of half an A4, with name and affiliation, to the Taalkundedei organization.


See also: