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Frisian history as inspiration for Canadian fantasy novel

At a Beowulf feast, warriors drink ale, celebrate their victory and listen to stories about heroes and legends. One such tale is about a bitter feud and about a queen called Hild... 

For her latest novella Blood-Siren Canadian writer Kirsty Campbell drew on two scholarly studies of Frisians in the Middle Ages, among others Frisians of the Early Middle Ages by John Hines and Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm (eds.), and Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours, by the same authors. Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm is managing-director of the Fryske Akademy and researches intercultural dynamics and connections in the early Middle Ages in the regions around the North Sea.


About the author

Kirsty Campbell writes fantasy stories inspired by the warrior culture of Beowulf and heroic poetry of the Middle Ages. She lives in Montreal and teaches medieval literature at universities in Canada and the United States.

Blood-Siren can be ordered as an e-book and paperback via Amazon.