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Marije Buma wins Lyts Frysk Diktee

All participants and organizers of 2024.

The prize winners of 2024: Marije Buma, Annarixt Weststeijn and Saphyra Holwerda. Photo's: Jacob van Essen / Hoge Noorden

Marije Buma of the Master Frankeskoalle from Earnewâld can write the best Frisian of all elementary school children in Fryslân. With 6 mistakes, she was the winner of the Lyts Frysk Diktee in the provincial hall on Tuesday, May 14. Last year she also won the dictation. Second was Annarixt Weststeijn of the Doarpsskoalle from Nij Beets with 9 errors. And third place went to Saphyra Holwerda of the Tijstream from Holwerd.

A total of 46 pupils from 22 schools participated in the finals of the Lyts Frysk Diktee. Writer Jan Minno Rozendal wrote the dictation text and also read the dictation. Jan Minno Rozendal is known for, among other things, the book Tie Break (2024).

The organization of the dictation was in the hands of Cedin, Afûk, Fryske Akademy and the province of Fryslân.