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OWL+ project: call for secondary school teachers of Frysk

The team of the EU Erasmus+ programme-funded OWL+ project is looking for secondary school teachers of Frisian. Would you like to participate in the project? There are three activities, about which the team would like to know your experience and opinion. These are activities developed within the project 'Ownership and Leadership: Pathways for (Endangered) Languages' Use in School' (short: OWL+ ). They involve describing a natural object (such as a tree) and activities on Frisian history and Frisian literature.

A short description can be found in the OWL+-flyer (pdf). For questions or to register, please contact researcher Femke van Seijen of Mercator / Fryske Akademy via e-mail.


About OWL+

In collaboration with knowledge institutes within Europe - and sometimes even beyond - Mercator is continuously working on various research projects. Currently, Mercator / Fryske Akademy is now the coordinating partner of the project 'Ownership and Leadership: Pathways for (Endangered) Languages' Use in School' (OWL+). The partners in OWL+ are the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation (CIDLeS) (PT), Nord University (NO), Rēzekne Academy of Technologies (LV), and Tallinn University (EE)

The aim of OWL+ is to create opportunities for teachers to integrate under-resourced endangered languages ​​in their teaching activities. The project will receive funding from the European Erasmus+ program Key Action 2 Partnerships for Cooperation for a period of three years. The expertise of the members of the OWL+ consortium relates to Latvian (LV), Mirandese (PT), South Saami (NO) and Frisian (NL). The learning resources they develop for and in collaboration with the local language community are intended to raise awareness of these languages, to provide teachers with adequate information about these languages ​​and to support the integration of these languages ​​in different learning contexts. to encourage. 

More information about the project can be found on their OWL+ project website.