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Research agenda 2023-2027 set

[Translate to English:] KNAW-presidint prof. Marileen Dogterom krige de 'Onderzoeksaginda 2023-2027' taskikt út hannen fan direkteur-bestjoerder dr. Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm. Flnr: programmakoördinator dr. Simon Halink, prof. Marileen Dogterom, dr. Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm, Selma Hinderdael (bestjoers- en direksjesekretaris KNAW) en Marit Bijlsma MA (koördinator ûndersyksfinansiering en strategyske gearwurking. (Foto: Marieke Balk)

The Research Agenda 2023-2027 has been adopted. Programme coordinators Dr Jelske Dijkstra and Dr Simon Halink shaped the Research Agenda together with the Akademy community.

Untill 2027, three (overlapping) areas of knowledge form the basis of the research done at the Fryske Akademy: History and heritage, The people and their environment and Language and multilingualism.

Seven core specific and interdisciplinary research themes can be found in the three knowledge areas. The themes are strongly related to each other and to some extent overlap. The themes are:

  • Law and freedom in the Frisian Lands
  • Heritage in the Frisian lands
  • The dynamic relationship with the land and the water through the ages
  • Culture and identity
  • The multilingual society
  • Language variation and change
  • Language description and standardisation

Read more:
Research agenda Fryske Akademy 2023-2027
Research agenda 2023-2027 (as pdf)