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Weekend of Science on 4-5 October in Leeuwarden and Franeker

Diederik Jekel

During the national Weekend of Science, on 4 and 5 October 2024, there will be plenty to experience in Leeuwarden and Franeker. Real scientists will give an accessible insight into the world of science and technology that weekend.  Visitors get a unique look behind the scenes at organisations and are allowed to go to places that are not normally visible to the public. 

The Weekend of Science is suitable for (almost) all ages, with a focus on families with children aged between 8 and 14.

In Leeuwarden, several organsiations have joined forces. Campus Fryslân opens its doors to lectures by researchers from the Fryske Akademy and Tresoar, and Dbieb and Natuurmuseum Fryslân also organise interesting activities. The Franeker Academy is putting together a special programme on several different locations in the city of Franeker.

Diederik Jekel, science journalist known from Zapplive, Willem Wever, de Slimste Mens and Jekels Jacht, will deliver a keynote speech at Campus Fryslân in Leeuwarden in which he will take you into the world of science. From 18 September, the full programme will be on the website of the Weekend of Science.